Intro All matter is made from a subunit called Elements. Atoms are the smallest part of an element. Atoms are made up of smaller particles called protons, neutrons and electrons. The number of protons in an atom helps determine what element it is, this is called "Atomic Number". Electrons and protons are equal, neutron numbers can vary.

Valance electrons are on the outer layer. These electrons can bond to other electrons.

Chemical Bonds are the result of atoms combining. This happens through shared electrons.
Ionic Bonds is what happens when one atom transfers an electron to another atom. This happens through differently charged electrons (+ or -)
Covalent Bonds are when atoms bond by sharing electrons. Water is an example of a covalent bond (H2O). Covalent bonds are much stronger than Ionic bonds. When 2(+) atoms join, it is called a molecule, energy can be stored in the bonds of molecules

Modeling Molecules is a covalent bond where two atoms share a pair of electrons. In the 'structural formula' this connection is shown through a bar (H/O\H)

Hydrogen Bonding is a weak bond. It is caused when a positive(+) hydrogen and a negative(-) hydrogen attract, this makes them bond. Another name for this is Cohesion
